welcome to our mayhem.

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010


Well, dear readers, you might have noticed a few little changes on the blog lately. And yes, i have decided to take things a bit more seriously and sort of get my act together... My blog has been lurking around the web for a while but it never really had taken on any direction or specific aim. This is about to change, gradually maybe, but definitely so.

First change is the fact that it is not my blog anymore. Julian has joined the team and together we will take this project on to some new and exciting endeavours.

Second change is that there is no more sister speed (though i still love that song very much) and thus the new title of the blog is IN FLUX  - influxus.blogspot.com.

A further description of the motives behind that name is soon to be found in the about section.

Until then i leave you with this wonderful tune by "Sad Lovers And Giants".

Stay tuned!


Images via Coute Que Coute.

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